Thursday, September 10, 2009

vocab 2


part of speach:adjective

source sentence:OR we'd try to be more bucolic mentioning being south of the beautifal Caspian Sea, "where the famous caviar comes from."[p.31]

context clues:A,Try to be
B,is a simple form to live expressing ruraa, countryand rusic life to be

B,1.of or characteristic of the countryside or its people;rustic
2.see synonyms at rural
3.of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks;pastoral



part of speech:adjective

source sentence:My brother Farshid,with his schedule full of soccer,wrestleing,and karate,was too busy to be recruited for this dubius hononr.[p10]

context clues:B.the young woman that got pregnant two times and had two children in each pregnancy was uncertain of getting pregnant for the third time and haveing two more children.

definition:A.fraught with uncertainty undecided,arousing doubt,questionable
B.1.doubtful; marked by or occasioing doubt:
2.of doubtful quality or propriety;questionable:
3.of uncertian outcome

origianal sentance:A.i was dubious on what to get for lunch that day.
B.I was dubious about what movie I should see in the theaters.


part of speech:adjective

source sentence:The media is also ubiquitous-present in airports, elevators, classrooms, bars and restaurants, and hospital waiting rooms.[p.42]

context clues:A.present
B. its an adlective that is always present in any time

definition:A.being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time
B.1.Existing or being everywhere, esp
2.At the same time, omnipresent:uniquitous little ants.
3.being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time;omnipresent;"plodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook"[Joseph Heller]

original sentence:A.The ubiquitous swarm of mosquitoes blanketed the sky.
B.We were offered the ubiquitous hambuger.

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