Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have one specific even then changed who i em today.When i was in eight grade i was reckless.
When i was home i when to the garage with my Friend and brother because that's where all the "fun stuff" was. A few days before i was working on sharpening anything i could including a machete we bout for clearing tree saplings. It was over sharped in the seance it was now a giant scoupul not a blunt hacking tool as it is intended. I pulled it out of the fake leather sheath and stupidly with a firm grip. The blade was so sharp it cut right threw the sheath and into my middle and ring finger whale glancing my pinkie figer. You would think a injury like this would involve allot of screaming and panic. That was not the case for me I dropped the machete and look into my fingers. I saw right down into them all the muscle and the joint you could see. Then the blood cam steadily it bled. Again the predicted feeling was way off. It felt like hot sand falling out if the cut and i could feel my heart beat right in the cut itself. After all this happened i comely told my brother and Friend, "guys i just cut my hand bad we gotta go to the hospital". Essy for someone who drove but i didn't and my mom was at work so she was out on the emergency drivers list. So as i walk ed inside dripping a trail of blood as i went into the kitchen and to the sink my Friend called his mom. At the time no one thought to call 911 iron being that's what your parents tell you if something bad happens. After about twenty minutes of bleeding now i was starting to feel sick but still awake and my Friends mom got there. That signaled the mad dash to the ER. i couldn't however have my mangled hand below my heart or it bleed more. So being ingenious as we where my Friend used his shoes as a crutch to hold my arm up s i didn't need to hold it. At this point it was about thirty minutes of bleeding and my vision was starting to go out. Everything looks a shade of green and my peripheral vision was starting to go out too. We got there to the ER and instantly i was the star of the show. Little to no wait when your bleeding i discovered on that trip. After that i got a room all to myself and i waited i there for another ten minutes. At this point they put some stuff in it so it would clot. That made a mass of gelled blood the size of a dinner plate around my hand laying next to me. Meanwhile my mom got the news and was on her way. Every moms worst nightmare id say, having a kid in the ER with something like this. So when she got there and walked in i said the only thing thet cam to mind " check this out!". She looked at in for about half a second and went away outside. Then three nurses and a Doctor showed up, this was the fun part. One nurson my right and two on my left where the cut was. Doctor was doing his doctor thing and walking around the room talking. Then he comes over and says "can you move em", i try and nothing happens so he looks and says again in a kinda monition voice," you managed to cut both tendons in both your fingers. That's four total for those of you who don't know anatomy. Then came the stitch up. By far the repair work was much worse then the actual damage i caused. First came the beta dine, oh yeah they say it doesn't hurt but it dose in a gash like that. Felt like acid being dumped in the cut. By then i figured out why there was three nurses, to hold me down. i was kicking and pulling my arms. One nurse went in for the kill shot she stabedthe inside of the gash with a needle to numb the pain. Problem is it isn't fast acting so i felt the needle stick me every time. After that i was comer then before but still screaming and it still hurt like nothing i felt before. The stitching began, one after another the Doctor worked and this wasn't the most painful thing but shire was the hardest to watch for most people. all the clotted blood oozed out as the gash closed. After all that it was closed up wrapped in a brace and enough goze to pass me as a mummy. To shorten the story up it took over a year of physical therapy to get my fingers to work including microsurgery wuch was the real fun part of all of it. All fixed up now still the tips of those fingers don't move but I'm not complain. At least i still have fingers to move. This shaped my life in now i have a lasting reminder on how to be careful. And the years leading to my recovery i did and had to cope with things most people never will. So in this seeming tragic event i got out of it allot of good qualities of my personality.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

vocab 4



origianal sentence:" Hestarted to have a somewhat Pavlovian reaction toward me.


deffinition:of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Pavlov or his work, esp. of experiments in which he elicited predictable responses from laboratory animals.

sentence:People have a Pavlovian reaction towards me when seeing my room.



origianal sentence:" For twelve days after the equinox,...."


deffinition:the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth and occurring about March 21

sentence:Its almost time for the equinox



origianal sentence:"...America a long time ago" became his mantra


deffinition:a word or formula, as from the Veda, chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.

sentence:Arive with a smile,kill with a smile,leave with a smile is my mantra

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I don’t notice the words around be not cause they are not noticed just they are not used. The words we are told to study are so unspoken that they are confined to ether a teachers vocabulary or a English nut .As far as if i approach words in a different way i do but I'm not posting words in blogs i find that i don't know.I may look it up or ask someone but that's about as far as i go for figuring out new words. A digital dictionary or dictionary.com makes it easy to find meanings of words. Using the words I learned would probably happen if the person i was talking to knew them as well. Because it would be a pain in the butt to keep explaining what you just said over the minute you said it. There are much easier words that mean the same thing so of course I use that word instead of the fourteen letter word for good. As far as remembering the words after tests or even before that, some are easy to remember do to the word being used in some minute way when normal people talk. Other words you never hear are harder to learn do to them not being spoken at all. Its like the saying"you don't use it you lose it". And that's very true for vocabulary words math equations and any other skill or knowledge one might pick up somewhere. It seems thet over half of the words in the dictionary wont ever be spoken my man or otherwise.

Vocab 3


type of word:adjective

sorce sentance:How could our parents have ever imagened that someday we would end up in a country where monosyllabic names reign supreme, Funny in Farsi[62]

context clue:found it on the list

deffinition:haveing only one syllable, as the word no

origianal sentance:The cave man only spoke in monosyllabic sentences.


type of word:adjective

sorce sentence: He started to have a somewhat pavlovian reaction toward me.

context clue:the word reaction

deffiniton: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Pavlov or his workesp. of experiments in which he elicited predictable responses from laboratory animals.

origianal sentance:pavlovian reaction whould be dunking a lobster in boiling water and it screams


type of word:adjective

sorce sentance:a veritable Disneyland for the olfactory sence.

context clue:the word sense

deffinition:of or pertaining to the sense of smell: olfactory organs

origianal sentance:Some public bathrooms are their own olfactory version of Hell.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

vocab 2


part of speach:adjective

source sentence:OR we'd try to be more bucolic mentioning being south of the beautifal Caspian Sea, "where the famous caviar comes from."[p.31]

context clues:A,Try to be
B,is a simple form to live expressing ruraa, countryand rusic life to be

B,1.of or characteristic of the countryside or its people;rustic
2.see synonyms at rural
3.of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks;pastoral



part of speech:adjective

source sentence:My brother Farshid,with his schedule full of soccer,wrestleing,and karate,was too busy to be recruited for this dubius hononr.[p10]

context clues:B.the young woman that got pregnant two times and had two children in each pregnancy was uncertain of getting pregnant for the third time and haveing two more children.

definition:A.fraught with uncertainty undecided,arousing doubt,questionable
B.1.doubtful; marked by or occasioing doubt:
2.of doubtful quality or propriety;questionable:
3.of uncertian outcome

origianal sentance:A.i was dubious on what to get for lunch that day.
B.I was dubious about what movie I should see in the theaters.


part of speech:adjective

source sentence:The media is also ubiquitous-present in airports, elevators, classrooms, bars and restaurants, and hospital waiting rooms.[p.42]

context clues:A.present
B. its an adlective that is always present in any time

definition:A.being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time
B.1.Existing or being everywhere, esp
2.At the same time, omnipresent:uniquitous little ants.
3.being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time;omnipresent;"plodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook"[Joseph Heller]

original sentence:A.The ubiquitous swarm of mosquitoes blanketed the sky.
B.We were offered the ubiquitous hambuger.